Kite courses
Everyday is a potential day for a kite course. We are open mon-sun all year around. You can therefore book a kite course any day you want, but we know if it is going to be windy 1-3 days before.
Kite courses are held between 1 April – 1 November.
Snowkite courses are held between 15 December – 1 March.
which course to choose?
Basic course, 1 day
Will get you to the waterstart with the board, choose this one if you want to try the sport.
Complete course, 2 days
Choose this kite course if you have decided to have a lot of training, technique and fun from the start.
Kite course max, 3 days
This course gives you maximum experience, technique training and coaching. A setup perfect för you who want to come a long way in a short time.
How do i book a course?
In our booking calender you can see all the available spots and dates. Book a date that fits you!
At what time does the course start?
Normally we gather at 8.45am on the beach. The course then starts at 9.00.
We adapt the courses after the forecast and the wind. Plan for a course that can take all day.
Where is the course held?
The direction of the wind is crucial for which beach we choose. The decision of beach usually takes place 1-2 days before the course starts.
Common beaches are Dalarö where we have our surf center or Gålö, Studsvik, Ekerö, Norrtälje, Gävle.
We hold all courses on shallow and safe beaches in Stockholm and the surrounding area.
What to bring?
CHECKLIST for your the day of your course
- Dress warm, even a sunny day can bring cold winds.
- Warm hoodie, warm jacket, gloves and a beanie.
- Rain/wind jacket.
- Swim wear and a towel.
- Sun block and sunglasses.
- Lunch, snacks and perhaps a fruit.
- Beverage, preferably both warm and cold. Water / juice / energy drink or coffee.
- Come rested.
How do i get to the beach?
You reach the beaches easy and fast by your own car. It is possible to go by bus to many of the beaches like dalarö.
If you do not have access to your own car, you should notify us with that information when you book. We often arrange car-sharing with any other student or instructor.
Shop & gear
opening hours?
We are almost open all the time. But it is not certain that we are always in the shop 🙂 Normally open:
Mon – fri: 11.00 – 15.30
Sat – sun: 10.00 – 12.00But if it is windy we like to go kite or we have courses. Then the normal opening hours can vary.
Call before you want to swing by. 070 046 40 42
Address to the shop?
You find us at Vanadisvägen 21.
We do not have a traditional store front call us if you cannot find it, 070 046 40 42
We are open almost every day of the week, weekdays, weekends, daytime, evening time, but not always in place, we prefer to go surfing 🙂 .. so please check before you plan peek past, 070 046 40 42
surf center Dalarö
Our surf center is at kitebeach Dalarö. It is open most days of the summer. 11.00 – 18.00 when its blowing south westerly winds.
We don’t have storage with equipment at Dalarö, and it might not always be manned.
Call before you visit our surf center, 070 046 40 42
The webshop
which brands do you have?
We sell new equipment from Core, North, Eleveight, Duotone, Xenon kites and boards as well as Mystic and Xcel wetsuits and accessories.
Used equipment we can also have from other brands such as Slingshot, F-One, Best etc.
Do you sell used gear?
Yes, we have different types of used equipment, and divide it into condition:
The equipment we have used in school. A little more beaten, but we sell the school equipment while it is still in good condition. These kites are usually of the latest model.2nd HAND / TRADE-IN:
We have equipment that has been replaced or is used by experienced kitesurfers.The equipment can be from 2014 and onwards and has often been well maintained by previous owners. We go through all the equipment and document any damage and wear that is out of the ordinary
The third category of used equipment is demo-used gadgets. It is largely top-notch, used a few times and often tested by experienced kitesurfers. The wear is minimal, but the price is better than on new equipment. -
I want to buy kitegear after my course
Great! Happy to hear that you want to continue. We have both new and used equipment in stock.
If you buy a new kite package, you will also receive up to 20% student discount on your purchase. We also have different types of kite packages to offer depending on your wishes
Do you repair gear?
Yes, we do repairs on kites and boards.
With us you get help with everything from small holes, tears to broken bladders and valves as well as larger repairs that require sewing of sailmakers. We repair both surfboards and kite twin tips.
You can also get help with trim and adjustments of kites, bars and boards.
Contact us for more information,
Which destinations do you arrange kite trips to?
It varies a lot during the year as we are constantly looking for new exciting and good destinations.
In our basic offer we travel to Sicily, Sardinia, Greece in spring and autumn. Sri Lanka, Egypt, Kenya during the winter season.
When are the kite trips?
Our popular Live Aboard Kite cruise to Egypt runs in March / April and November.
Trips to Greece in April and October every year.
Trips to Sardinia and Sicilly happens in the beginning of May and in the end of September every year.
May – september
During the summer you should join us on our kiteweekends, or go to Nretva, Croatia and Viana do Castelo i Portugal with our partners.
October -november
During this period we often go to Greece and when it gets colder, Egypt or Cape Verde.
December – january
Our trips to Kenya and Sri Lanka take place in December and January.
What is included in the kite trips?
We arrange accommodation and take you to the right beaches. You will be part of a group so you get the camp feeling, the community and certainly some new friends!
You arrange your own flight ticket, possibly car rental / transport, the food you want to eat and travel insurance.
In this way you can control your costs yourself. You get greater choice and the total price is often lower than if you would choose an organizer that includes and takes commission on everything.
How do i book a trip?
When you have decided to come with us you use this booking form (swedish only).
If you have any questions or want to talk to us about your booking, you can reach us on +46 70 046 40 42 or contact via
what are the kite weekends?
Kiteweekend in Sweden is perfect for those who have attended courses and want to go with us to great, big beaches, where the focus is on the surf a whole weekend.
We will arrange the accommodation and you just come along! A fun and easy way to develop and meet new friends. Read more about our kiteweekends (swedish only).
choose kite equipment
New or used?
To some extent, this is a budget issue.
As a beginner, you may want to shop second-hand since you do not know how much you will surf. As a beginner, you’re probably gonna crash the kite a lot as well, so choosing a kite that you don’t need to care so much about can be an advantage.
A question of budget
You may save some money when buying used equipment, but just remember that you have to assess the condition and suitability of the equipment yourself. And you shop without guarantees.
Some parts of the equipment are worth buying new, items such as wetsuit and kite. Other parts, such as the kiteboard, the harness are excellent to buy used.
used but with the guarantees
We offer used and reviewed equipment, where the warranty is included, and the price is not much higher than if you buy from a private person.
New with course discount
If you want to go in for kitesurfing, it is worth buying new equipment. Your development curve will be faster and you have equipment that you know is flying well, is safe and efficient.
Talk to us for guidance and equipment issues
When you develop your kite surfing and become more experienced, it will be worth investing in newer and more modern equipment. The development curve will be faster, the 2nd hand value higher and you will have more fun on the water.
which kite size should I have?
Choosing the right kite size depends on many different factors.
• Windstrength
• Your weight
• Your skill level
• The size of the board
• Which type of board
• Kite type
• Line lengthWind power is the biggest factor when choosing kite size. But your weight, level of experience, size of the board, type of board, kite model and line length also play a big role.
If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to talk to us. We help you think right about kite and board size.
is there an allround kite size?
There is no kite that is suitable for all wind strengths.
But the kite sizes 11, 12, 13, 14 m2 is a good first kite size.
When buying your second kite you want to complement your first kite with either a bigger or a smaller one. If you ride at spots with stronger winds you should buy a smaller, and if it is lighter winds you should buy a bigger.
What board size should i have?
It depends on how much you weigh, the size of the kite you have and how windy it is where you surf the most.
It also depends on your riding style, if you are a beginner or more experienced and how strong the wind is.
How many kites do i need?
Each kite has its unique character and is adapted for different wind strengths. It is very good to have different options. Three kites will often do the job.
A common setup for kite quivers in Sweden:
9 – 12 – 17
7 – 9 – 12 – 16 -
Kites for summer and winter
You can use inflatable kites (LEI) both summer- and wintertime. They are stable, responsive and tolerate cold.
Foil kites are the second option, there are both open cell (open front edge) and closed cell (closed front edge). Open cell foil goes well in the mountains but cannot be used in the summer on the water. Closed cell works both in the summer and in the winter.
There are pros and cons of the different types, but we don’t go into that here. If you want to talk more about kites for summer and winter, please contact us: or 070 046 40 46 or come to the shop at Vanadisvägen 21
Freeride vs freestyle kite
Generally is a freeride kite a better choice for most kitesurfers. Freestyle kites (C-kites) are not recommended for beginners.
A freeride model is often designed to have a wider windrange, better relaunch and big floating jumps. Compared to a freestyle kite (C-kite) which are more focused to excel at kiteloops and unhooked riding.
Team, kiteschools & locations
Where does kiteboardcenter exist?
Today we are in several locations in Sweden. We have ambassadors and brand representatives throughout the country.
Kite schools are established on Gotland, Öland and in Blekinge.
In addition, we have demo activities in Åre, Sundsvall, Gävle, Västerås, Lidköping, Båstad, Skåne and Blekinge
Where can i take a kite course
We run courses at Gotland, Öland and Blekinge. -
How can i meet someone from the team?
Meet our team and ambassadors in Sweden, find on our Swedish map the closest team rider. You can book a time with a mentor that will guide you. -
Can i continue with my kite course at a different location?
Yes, it works perfectly well. You can continue and finish your kite course in the locations where we have course school affiliates. Stockholm, Gotland, Öland and Blekinge.
other questions
What determines that the course will be held?
In order for us to complete your kite course, it needs to be windy. And it needs to be blowing correctly for kite surfing, having suitable weather and temperatures
This is how we judge:
Correct wind strength
It needs to be blowing between 4 – 13 m/s. (8-26 knots).
Correct direction of the wind
It needs to blow onshore (in Stockholm) and it needs to be a shallow sand sea-floor.
Different wind directions mean that we go to different beaches.
We know about 1-3 days before the course which direction it is going to blow.
We run our courses when it is pleasant water temperatures. A thick wetsuit is included in the course and will keep you warm at water temperatures from 10°C (50°F).
Correct weather
We cancel the courses when there are great risks of thunder, lightning or heavy rain.
In the winter we offer snowkite courses. Then we switch the kiteboard for skis or snowboard.
In addition to wind, we also need a covering snow layer on a field or the ice. Read more about our snowkite lessons
What if it isn’t windy?
A few days before your booked date we will check the winds and contact you.
If it doesn’t seem to be windy, we just book a new date.
The strength and direction of the winds are constantly changing, and this can affect your kite course at short notice.
The more flexible you are for your course, the greater the chances of you getting the maximum course time.
More questions about kite courses and guarantees, you can find here: course information.